Many people worry about the future. Financial security and health are top concerns along with fear of divorce. There's no denying that this is a frightening time for couples. More than half of all first marriages end in divorce; 60 percent of second marriages fail. There is no way to avoid conflict in our marriages. It is what we do when trouble comes that determines the outcome positively or negatively. I believe that most people want a positive outcome. So what makes marriage work? I wish I had that answer. I do know that it takes honesty, awareness, determination, forgiveness, wisdom, faith, perseverance, and more forgiveness, and that is just the start!
George Bernard Shaw said: "Marriage is an alliance entered into by a man who can't sleep with the window shut, and a woman who can't sleep with the window open." Doug Larson on marriage is quoted as: "More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the better comes after the worse."
Conflict is growth trying to happen. It can lead you to a better relationship – if are aware of it and know how to work with it. Let’s take a look at some red flags that may crop up and indicate trouble in the marriage that needs to be addressed. Awareness of these crisis points allows making positive changes for the benefit of the marriage relationship.
Marriage Red Flags
John Gottman suggests an exercise for married couples in his article in Psychology Today: "What makes marriage work? It's how you resolve conflict that matters most," published in March 1994. This exercise gives you a chance to see the strengths of your marriage by comparing yourselves to other couples in your lives.
1. Each of you jot down the names of four different couples you both know. Two should be examples of "bad" marriages; and two of "good" marriages.
2. Now share the names and tell why you feel the good marriages work and the bad marriages don't. Perhaps you admire how one couple is raising their children, or you disapprove of the way another couple berates one another in front of the company?
3. Talk about your marriage and how it relates to these good and bad marriages. Compare the way you and your spouse manage to get through difficult times with the way each of these couples handles their challenges. Can you identify behaviors you want to avoid? Are there things you'd like to emulate?
4. Talk about your ability as a couple to overcome hardship. Have you weathered episodes or incidents of which you're particularly proud? If so, how did you do it?
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